Observational methods


Matthew Keane
Mind Map by Matthew Keane, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Keane
Created by Matthew Keane over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Observational methods
  1. Structured/Unstructed
    1. Structured: An observer records a specified range of behaviours in pre-defined, pre-decided catergories
      1. Unstructured: Observer records non-specified, wide range of behaviours, anything that seems relevant
      2. Naturalistic/Controlled
        1. Naturalistic: Behaviours observed in normal environment for the participants without interference from the researcher (has high ecological validity)
          1. Controlled: Behaviours recorded by the researcher in situations with some manipulation (e.g. take there somewhere that is not their natural environment
          2. Covert/Overt
            1. Covert: Participants are unaware they are being watched
              1. Overt: Researcher is known to participants. They know they are being observed
              2. Participant/Non-participant
                1. Participant: The observer participates and joins in with the group
                  1. Non-participant The observer watches but does not join in. E.g. sits at the back of the room
                  2. Event/Time sampling
                    1. Event sampling: Uses a checklist of possible activities which are tallied as they occur
                      1. Time sampling: Uses a limited list of possible activities. The occurance of these activities is recorded in relation to short specified time intervals
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