Studying Deviance


Part III: Studying Deviance
Mind Map by emoghtader, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emoghtader over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Studying Deviance
  1. Official Statistics
    1. Numerical tabulations comiled by gov & social service agencies
      1. Data sources: arrest, census, victim, medical, public health, court
        1. Valitidy problems: unrecognized crimes, outdated categories & reporting
          1. Child Abuse Reporting
            1. Opposing Problems: unreported vs unsubstantiated cases
              1. 60-65% unsubstantiated reports nationally
                1. 56% unreported cases to authorities
                2. 3 factors on child abuse statistical increases
                  1. Social definition of abuse
                    1. Media campaigns
                      1. Mandatory reporting laws due to expansion of prevention/treatment programs, education programs, and public awareness campaigns
                  2. Field Research
                    1. Live w/members of deviant groups
                      1. Compiles richly descriptive and analytical information, generally longitudinal
                        1. Expensive, time consuming, lacks generalizability and objectivity
                          1. Researching Dealers & Smugglers subculture over 4 yr span
                            1. Issues: effect of drugs on the data-gathering process, assuming risks while doing research, cultural clash between us and subjects, & ethical problems (initimacies/confidences,guilty feelings)
                              1. Researcher became friends w/drug smuggler neighbor; was granted "membership" into group of smugglers after 1 yr
                                1. Conclusion: Researchers had to become trusted, then reveal true self for real data, & use a combo of overt/covert roles. Study criminals in natural habitat showed complexity of their subculture; their dimensions of lifestyle, social stratification, social organization, and motivation.
                              2. Survey Research
                                1. 3 major surveys: National Youth Survey, Monitoring the Future, & Kinsey surveys
                                  1. Used to compile information about behavior that isn't routinely collected by the gov/official agencies
                                    1. Validity problems: inaccurate deviant sample group, deviants define questions different than author, & correlations considered casual.
                                      1. Survey of Sexual Behavior of Americans
                                        1. Nation Health & Social Survey sample design
                                          1. Probablity sampling method of 20,000 people; 80% completion rate
                                            1. Face-to-face, telephone and self-administered
                                              1. Issues: where to draw boundaries in defining sex, appropriate language when asking about sex, slang deteriorating meaning.
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                                            Deviant Identity
                                            History of Psychology
                                            Reuben Caruana
                                            Alfred Adler
                                            Sara Lynn Deese
                                            Parasitology - MU Sofia - part 3 (970-1093)
                                            Стефан Радев
                                            Social Organization of Deviance
                                            CDFM Flachcards FMMTC 16-01
                                            Nathan Wedwick
                                            Terapia Gestalt
                                            Alejandro Cordero Pérez
                                            Theories of Deviance
                                            Constructing Deviance
                                            Adlerian Values
                                            Shalp Dho
                                            Part 3: The Power of Positive Deviance