Effects of the Vietnam War on Australia


11 Yr 9-10 History (Australia in the Vietnam War Era) Mind Map on Effects of the Vietnam War on Australia, created by ElsienaKate on 03/04/2013.
Mind Map by ElsienaKate, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ElsienaKate over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Effects of the Vietnam War on Australia
  1. Vietnam Veterans
    1. War inflicted psychological and physical damage on soldiers
      1. 1 in 5 veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder
        1. Veterans had an above-average incidence of diseases
          1. Head cancer
            1. Neck Cancer
              1. Tumours
              2. High rates of suicide and alcoholism
              3. Refugees
                1. The war created almost two million refugees
                  1. Marked the end of the White Australia policy
                  2. Strengthened ties between many Asian nations
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