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Hyperinflation In Germany
A-Levels History (Kaiser to Fuhrer) Mind Map on Hyperinflation In Germany, created by elspeth on 20/11/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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about 11 years ago
Resource summary
Hyperinflation In Germany
Germany managed to pay off the first 2 billion gold marks of reparations
Mostly paid in goods, e.g. coal, iron and wood
1922- Germany were unable to make further payments
The allies did not believe this
Attitudes towards Germany were still very hostile
They were accused of trying to 'get out of' their reparation responsibilities
French occupation of the Ruhr 1922
The Ruhr was Germany's most valuable industrial area
French troops took over iron and steel factories, coal mines and railways
Broke the rules of the League of Nations
Weimar Government ordered passive resistance
Ended in violence, and the death of 132 Germans
150,000 were expelled from their homes
The striking workers had to be paid and the people expelled from their homes had to be looked after
The Government printed more money
Caused a further loss of confidence in the Weimar government
Figures and Statistics
By 1922 a loaf of bread cost 163 marks
September 1923 bread was 1,500,000 marks
November 1923- reached a peak of 200,000,000,000 marks
Dawes Plan 1924
Set realistic targets for German reparations.
Set the figure at 50 million instead of 2 billion
US government loaned Germany 200 million
Impact of Hyperinflation
Workers were paid by the hour and rushed to spend money before it became more worthless
Shopping with wheelbarrows full of money
Pensions became worthless
Restaurants did not print menus, as by the time food arrived the price had increased
In the winter of 1923 the poor burned furniture to stop themselves freezing
The savings and investments of the middle classes vanished
Media attachments
wheelbarrowbank.gif (image/gif)
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