

CAGES relating to identity
Mind Map by mariataylor_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mariataylor_ almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Gender
    1. Social construct created to set labels, norms and values of a person depending on their biological sex.
      1. These are labeled gender roles and the definition of gender roles have been changing over time.
        1. Radical Feminism
          1. Gender equality does not exist as society is patriarcal
            1. Secondary socialisation can be harmful to women as it can cause body image issues
            2. Marxism
              1. Popular and mass culture are used to distract society from social inequality
                1. Conflict theory: gender inequality is necorssary
                  1. Society benefits those in power
                    1. In a patriarchal society that would be males getting the benefits
                    2. Gender supports capitalism; women reproduce (by having kids) maintain (by proving their kids with the norms and values of capitalism) and support capitalism
                    3. Functionalism
                      1. Society beneifits everyone in different ways, no matter their gender.
                        1. Gender roles are vital in society as it helps it run smoothly.
                          1. Gender roles give us a collective consciousness - social guidence
                          2. Post Modernism
                            1. Norms and values are always changing which means that equality in improving
                              1. Gender diversity is becoming visible; altering modern day gender roles
                                1. Social variables replaced by consumption
                              2. Studies
                                1. Parsons (1995)
                                  1. Females have an expressive role, natural but reinforsed by socailisation
                                    1. Males have an instrumental role , natural but reinforced by socialisation
                                    2. Mac An Ghaill (1994)
                                      1. Focus' on huper masculinity amoung males
                                        1. This included policing their own and others sexualities
                                        2. Noting the inserurity amoung working class men (labelled the crisis of masculinity) as their identity as breadwinner is lost.
                                        3. Jackson (2006)
                                          1. Women adopting 'laddishness' - a form of masculinity
                                            1. These women, labelled 'laddetts' perform risky acts such as smoking, drinking, swearing and being a disruptive person.
                                              1. They fear they may be seen as uncool or loose popularity if they do not take part in these acts
                                        4. Interactionism
                                          1. Labelling theory
                                            1. Rejecting GR can allow negative labelling for both males and females
                                            2. Impression Management
                                              1. People are convinced they must put on a persona to be accepted into society
                                              2. Looking Glass Self
                                                1. Women are persuaded by agencies of socialisation that they must appeal in a certain way
                                                  1. They judge by how others perceive them; they change aspects of themselves in order to 'fit in'
                                              3. Social identity means how your identity is shown in society and seen by others
                                                1. This can be created from various factors in someone's life such as gender, sexuality, class, ethnicity, nationality, age and hybrid identities
                                                2. Sexuality
                                                  1. a label given due to who, on a category of gender, one would find sexually or romantically attractive
                                                    1. The norm in society would be heterosexual but recently society has become more accepting of homosexuality and bisexuality
                                                    2. Theory
                                                      1. Radical Feminists
                                                        1. Hetronormativity is still the "norm"
                                                          1. Women are sexualised for men in the media
                                                            1. Pornography and prostitution linked to domestic violence and rape as women are seen as objects
                                                          2. Marxism
                                                            1. Heterosexuality is the norm because it serves society (reproduction)
                                                              1. Society is distracted, by popular culture, from issues with non-heterosexual individuals
                                                              2. Functionalism
                                                                1. GR ensure society runs smoothly; this can include the role of heteronormativity
                                                                  1. Therefore the traditional nuclear family works best for society
                                                                2. Post modernism
                                                                  1. Heteronormativity is breaking down; more rights to non heterosexual people
                                                                    1. Media starts normalising homosexual relationships
                                                                3. Interactionism
                                                                  1. Labelling theory
                                                                    1. Due to heteronormativity people who are out are given a label of their sexuality which can be seen as a negative label
                                                                      1. They would only be recognised as their sexuality
                                                                    2. Impression management
                                                                      1. Many homosexuals would either conform to their social stereotypes or hide them if they can relate to such
                                                                        1. If they are not 'out' they would create a false persona in society and only acknowledge their true selves in private
                                                                        2. Looking Glass Self
                                                                          1. Non-heterosexuality is becoming more acceptable in western cultures however many non-heterosexual individuals still worry about how they would be perceived
                                                                            1. Young individuals would see how others use the term 'gay' and view themselves (if they identify as such) with that meaning
                                                                              1. If the meaning was negative they would think of that aspect of themselves negativly
                                                                          2. Studies
                                                                            1. Weeks (1991)
                                                                              1. "Sexual identification is a strange thing"
                                                                                1. Sexuality is more complex than other aspects of an identity
                                                                                  1. People may or may not participate in sexual activity with those that they are sexually attracted to
                                                                                  2. Rich (1980)
                                                                                    1. (Radical feminist)
                                                                                      1. Women's sexuality is oppressed by the patriarchy
                                                                                        1. This is through objectification and sexual violence/rape
                                                                                        2. Women took part in 'compulsory heterosexuality; they are socialised into a heterosexual role for men
                                                                                          1. Lesbian identity is erased as it can only be a threat or sexy to males
                                                                                          2. Mcintosh (1996)
                                                                                            1. Claiming that homosexual mean fill a 'homosexual role' in western cultures
                                                                                              1. Homosexual males were given certain stereotypes on their characteristics (higher pitched voice, increase in vanity,- camp, etc)
                                                                                                1. Males who where openly homosexual were shown to have the characteristics stereotyped
                                                                                          3. Class
                                                                                            1. Class is a social system, used more often decades ago, that seperated people due to different class levels
                                                                                              1. Their class was determined by wealth and income, and the occupation they held to earn such.
                                                                                                1. Children were classified under their parents' classes until they were earning a living themselves
                                                                                                1. Feminism
                                                                                                  1. Gender equality; women earn less and gain less power than men
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