Pamela Burgess' Personal Leadership Project


Pamela Burgess' Personal Leadership Project
Mind Map by pwburgess, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pwburgess about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Pamela Burgess' Personal Leadership Project
  1. BEHAVIOR: Think, Work, Serve - My undergraduate college motto is “Think Work Serve". Effective leaders should be able to think, work, and serve the organization and its followers to achieve a shared vision and goals.
    1. Think, Work, Serve
    2. ABILITY: Solve problems and analyze issues - Leaders are recruited, trained, and chosen to solve organizational problems, and to take advantage of opportunities in the marketplace.
      1. Problem Solver and Analytical
      2. TRAIT: Credible - Followers have to believe in leaders and their credibility in order to have influence.
        1. Credible
        2. RELATIONSHIPS: An effective leader's positive relationships impact the joint process of influencing the process between leaders and follows
          1. SKILL: Competent - Effective leaders are able to plan, implement, follow through, and evaluate
            1. Competent
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