Post War 1945-1947


History Mind Map on Post War 1945-1947, created by beth harvey on 02/01/2014.
beth harvey
Mind Map by beth harvey, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea about 11 years ago
beth harvey
Copied by beth harvey about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Post War 1945-1947
  1. Impact of War
    1. Economy
      1. Can no long afford empire


        • Keynes estimated running of Empire to cost be £1.4 billion
        1. wartime debts to be paid


          • USA funded UK during warIndia had footed the bill for wages for Indian soldiers £50 million/year Overall debt to India £1.3 billion
          1. reconstruction cost


            • British cities destroyed in Blitz
            1. Downward trend in revenue from India exacerbated by war
            2. fear unrest
              1. Bombay mutinies 1946


                • 20,000 soldiers mutiny Congress stop muitny - shows their power Demonstrates to Britian that the Army cannot be trusted - never used again
                1. proliferation of weapons after WWII


                  • Soldiers didn't hand back weapons when demobbed
                  1. Morale in army very low - everone wants to just go home!
                    1. nationalist campaigns during war
                      1. INA


                        • First serious armed uprising since Great Rebellion Issue of PoWs - causes anti-British feeling
                        1. Congress


                          • Quit India  Movement - turned violent Fear of renewed call for Civil dosobedience
                      2. fear of civil war
                        1. 1940 Muslim League demand seperate state
                          1. Muslim League took positions from resigned Congress ministers - increased tensions
                          2. change of British attitude
                            1. 1945 elections - Atlee PM


                              • Socialist - wants social reforms in Britain Wants reform in India too. Needs money - KEY FACTOR - NHS
                              1. Churchill voted out
                            2. Cabinet Mission
                              1. Offers


                                • choice between: Federal System - minimal input from the national govt - majority of power to rest with the provinical/state govts. After an unspecified time states could choose to break away (secede) OR  Seperate states
                                1. Britain hope to make the first offer a compromise both sides could accept
                                  1. Rejected by both ML and Congress
                                2. May Statement


                                  • Rejected by Congress but accepted by ML Reinterpreted by Congress - British allow this ML reject - DAD
                                  1. States first option will be used as basis for indpendence despite no agreement
                                  2. Key People
                                    1. Sir Stafford Cripps


                                      • Determined to succeed having failed in 1942 Very close to Gandhi and Congress - led to antagonism between groups.
                                      1. Pethick Lawrence


                                        • a 'yes' man - nickname 'pathetic Lawrence'.  Tried to say yes to everything.  Rubbish negotiator.
                                    2. Direct Action Day
                                      1. Caused by failure of Cab Miss
                                        1. National Hartal - Peaceful mass movement
                                          1. Jinnah wants to show power of ML
                                            1. Everywhere except Calcutta the movement is peaceful
                                            2. Calcutta Killings


                                              • 6,000 dead 20,000 wounded 100,000 homeless
                                              1. hartal quickly descends into violence
                                                1. Violence spreads across the North of India - rioting and disruption continue until independence
                                                2. Hindus, Mulsims, British all bear some responsibility
                                                  1. Majority of worst violence caused by gang warfare - movement hijacked by criminal underworld
                                                    1. Seen (by some) as point of no return for united India
                                                      1. Damages Jinnah's reputation
                                                    2. Mountbatten
                                                      1. Close relationship with Nehru


                                                        • Leads to friction with ML and JInnah in particular
                                                        1. Simla Moment


                                                          • Mountbatten shows Nehru his plans for independence - changes them when Nehru doesn't like them.
                                                        2. Very bad relationship with Jinnah
                                                          1. Given job largely due to royal connections


                                                            • Atlee wants to cover the end of empire with a little royal glamour
                                                            1. Plan Balkan


                                                              • Rubbish Plan - would never be accepted by Congress - could potentially have led to the complete break up of the sub continent   see Simla moment
                                                              1. Menon Plan


                                                                • Drafted in 3hrs - had to be checked by Nehru! based on May Statement gave very little time to carry out partition planning
                                                                1. 2 state solution
                                                                  1. Possible after Congress decided to accept partition in March 1947
                                                                2. Interim Govt


                                                                  • Viceroy/Governor Gen of Exce Council - Wavell Nehru - Vice President (in control of foreign affairs) Patel - Home Affairs (security/law/secret services etc) Ali Khan - Muslim rep on Exec Council Jinnah - finance minister
                                                                  1. Stepping stone to independent govt.
                                                                    1. Seen by Patrick French as more significant than independence
                                                                      1. Splits when partition is decided upon
                                                                      2. Independence/partition
                                                                        1. 14/15th August 1947
                                                                          1. Huge amounts of migration and violence approx 1million dead
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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