Mathematics: Decision 1


A-level Maths (D1) Mind Map on Mathematics: Decision 1, created by declanlarkins on 24/01/2014.
Mind Map by declanlarkins, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mathematics: Decision 1
  1. Algorithms
    1. First-fit and first-fit decreasing
      1. Interpret and apply flow diagrams or instructions
        1. Bubble and shuttle sort
          1. Order of an algorithm
            1. Uses and limitations
              1. Definition
              2. Graph Theory
                1. Order of vertices
                  1. Eulerian
                    1. Semi-Eulerian
                    2. Understand...
                      1. Arc or edge
                        1. Node or vertex
                          1. Path
                            1. Tree
                              1. Cycle
                            2. Networks
                              1. Travelling salesperson problem
                                1. Upper bound using nearest neighbour
                                  1. Short cuts to improve upper bound
                                    1. Lower bound using minimum connector methods
                                    2. Prim's and Kruskal's
                                      1. Graph or matrix
                                        1. Minimum connector problem and minimum spanning trees
                                        2. Route inspection
                                          1. Pairing odd nodes
                                          2. Dijkstra's
                                            1. A graph with a weight for each arc
                                            2. Linear Programming
                                              1. Graphical solution to 2-variable problems
                                                1. Simplex method
                                                  1. Interpret values in context of problem
                                                  2. Formulate algebraic terms from a wordy problem
                                                    1. Constraints
                                                      1. Define variables
                                                        1. Objective function
                                                          1. Slack variables
                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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