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Teleological argument
Mind map on the Teleological Argument from William Paley and Aquinas and all its criticisms and supporters. AS level Philosophy and Ethics
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as philosophy and ethics
philosophy and ethics
teleological argument
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qua regularity
qua purpose
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Mind Map by
ELeanor Turner
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
ELeanor Turner
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Teleological argument
Design argument for the existence of God
Telos- end/purpose
Aquinas' fifth way
Unintelligent being needs an intelligent being to guide it towards its end purpose
God is the intelligent being
Example- the arrow being shot towards the target by the archer
William Paley
Two types of design arguments:
Design qua regularity
Rotation of planets
Design qua purpose
Lacteal system in mammals- feed the amount of young
The eye- to see
Birds wings- to fly
Analogy of the watch
Watch has a purpose
To tell the time
Must have a designer
The universe has a purpose
Therefore must have an intelligent designer
Modern arguments
Arthur Brown
Ozone layer is perfectly made for life
i.e. keeps gases in
It has a purpose
F.R Tennant
Anthropic principle
Order in nature suggests design not chance
Made for man to flourish
If it was any different we would not be here
More likely to be a designer than chance
Aesthetic principle
Beauty etc, not needed for survival
Must have been added in by a nice designer
More probable that the universe was designed than it occurred by random chance
God is the simplest explanation
Oculus razor
The simplest explanation is probably correct
Example of the mad man and the card machine
Card machines with a revolvers attatched
Mad man says that if the card machine produces anything but an ace, you will get shot
He turns on the machines, they all draw aces
You do not get shot
You must however question how this is possible for all of the machines to produce the right cards
Just like you must question the universe and how everything is so perfect
It needs an explanation
Counter arguments
If there was no suffering there would be a good designer
God isn't good if he created a world of suffering
No design qua regularity as there is no order in nature
Natural disasters
Manmade disasters are overmatched by natural disasters
"Nearly all the things which men are hanged or imprisoned for doing to one another are nature's everyday performances"
Men are hanged for less than nature's everyday destruction
"Nature, red in tooth and claw"- Alfred Tennyson
"Anarchy and the reign of terror are overmatched in injustice, ruin, and death by a hurricane and a pestilence"
Killer animals and insects
"pass their existence in tormenting and devouring other animals"
Digger wasp
Don't eat whole whale
Play before eating
Cruel and pointless
What kind of designer can we infer?
No evidence of just one god
Work of several lesser Gods?
Anthropomorphic God?
Human like
Imperfections and suffering in the world
Cruel, impotent or non-moral God
"First rude attempt of an infant deity, then abandoned"
Problems with using analogy
They are weak methods of reasoning
Can only go so far
Similar effects don't necessarily imply similar causes
Choose the analogy, you choose the conclusion
Watch analogy doesn't relate to the universe
Universe is not mechanic
It is organic, growing and changing
More like a vegetable
Alternative theory
Epicurean hypothesis
Could have occurred by chance
Marbles example
Throw marbles until a pattern forms randomly
If not present during the throwing
Would presume it was designed not random
Can't know if the universe was designed or occurred by chance because we were not present
Natural selection
Evolving and adapting for purpose
Beneficial mutations
Pass on to offspring
Galapagos finches
Moths in the industrial revolution
Blind watch maker
No purpose in mind when evolving
No vision or foresight
A watchmaker in nature would be a blind watchmaker
Natural selection is a unconscious and blind process
Supporting arguments
The probability of life on earth
"No greater than the chance that a hurricane would blow through a scrapyard and produce a Boeing 747"
Paley's responses
Broken watch: something doesn't have to work correctly to infer a design or designer
We didn't see the universe made: just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean it was not designed
Somethings dont have a purpose: even if we don't understand the purpose doesn't mean there is no purpose, there still is one
Might have occured by chance: unlikely universe would have occurred by chance due to all the purpose in it
The chance of a protein molecule occurring by chance is 1/10 x 236
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