International Cuisine_1


Mind Map by gavin.garcha1997, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by gavin.garcha1997 over 10 years ago
Copied by gavin.garcha1997 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

International Cuisine_1
  1. Special Dietary needs
    1. Religious
      1. Sikh
        1. Don't eat beef
          1. Vegatarian
        2. Medical
          1. Culture
            1. Intolerances
            2. Task: The local hotel in your area is holding an international week. As the trainee chef you have been invited to take part and have been asked to prepare two - course meal from a country of your choice.
              1. Countries
                1. India
                  1. Regional
                    1. Punjab
                      1. Goa
                        1. Mumbai
                    2. What influences the cuisine in particular countries
                      1. Parents
                        1. Home recipes
                        2. Inspirational
                          1. TV chefs
                          2. Religion
                            1. Migration
                            2. What promotes or affects International Cuisine
                              1. TV chefs
                                1. Supermarkets
                                  1. Travel
                                    1. Restaruant
                                      1. Cook books
                                      2. What is International Cusine
                                        1. A combination of different culinary traditions from around the world
                                        2. Government Guidelines
                                          1. Healthy eating
                                          2. Quality & Range
                                            1. From country's I don't know
                                              1. Manufactured & International food
                                                1. Specialist Shop
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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