
Vertebrate Zoology (Hemichordates & Chordates) Mind Map on VERTEBRATES, created by Litty Carter on 23/04/2013.
Litty Carter
Mind Map by Litty Carter, updated more than 1 year ago
Litty Carter
Created by Litty Carter over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Cambrian era
    1. Cranium, brain, paired eyes, vertebral column
      1. Cartilage and bone. Duplicate Hox gene complex
        1. Neural Crest
      2. Key Evolutionary Steps
        1. 1. HEAD: Craniates, complex movement and feeding
          1. 2. VERTEBRAL COLUMN: support
            1. 3. JAWS: predatory life
              1. 4. BONE: replaces cartilage support
                1. 5. LUNGS: Breathing air
                  1. 6. LEGS: move on land
                    1. 7. AMNIOTIC EGG: reproduce out of water
                      1. 8. INSULATION: feathers/fur
                        1. 9. MILK: suckling young
        2. EXTANT GROUPS
          1. Myxinoidea
            1. Hagfish
            2. Petromyzontia
              1. Lampreys
              2. Chondrichthes/Elasmobranchii
                1. Cartilaginous fish
                2. Osteichthyes
                  1. Bony fish
                  2. Amphibia
                    1. Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders
                    2. Reptilia
                      1. Crocodilians, snakes, dinosaurs
                      2. Aves
                        1. Birds
                        2. Mammalia
                          1. Mammals
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