activities of routine of the spouses


I am up at 5:30 every morning
tatiana andrea giraldo
Mind Map by tatiana andrea giraldo, updated more than 1 year ago
tatiana andrea giraldo
Created by tatiana andrea giraldo almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

activities of routine of the spouses
  1. I get up at 5:30 am every morning
    1. I take my daughter to the college
      1. My husband getting up at 4:30 am
        1. I realize the labors of the home
          1. I work of 14:00 to 19:00
            1. I rest at 23:00
              1. My husband this one being employed at the battalion
                1. My husband this one being employed the whole day at the computer
                  1. My husband this one trotting at 18:00 hrs
                    1. My husband this one sleeping at 23:00
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