Forces and Energy


Primary School Leaving Examination Science Mind Map on Forces and Energy, created by Mildred Ng on 12/06/2016.
Mildred Ng
Mind Map by Mildred Ng, updated more than 1 year ago
Mildred Ng
Created by Mildred Ng over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Forces and Energy
  1. Energy
    1. Kinetic
      1. Moving objects posess kinetic energy. It is present when there is movement
      2. Potential
        1. Elastic Potential
          1. It is present when an object is stretched or compressed
          2. Gravitational Potential
            1. It is stored energy. It is present when an object is above the ground. The higher the object the more gravitational potential energy it posesses.
            2. Chemical Potential
              1. It is energy stored in food, batteries or fuels.
            3. Heat
              1. Present when there is heat
                1. On a side note: The larger a volume (like water,) the more heat is needed to increase the temperature of the volume of water.
              2. Sound
                1. Present when there is sound
                2. Light
                  1. Present when there is light
                    1. We can see because of (a property) light. The object we look at reflects light from the light source into our eyes. It travels in a straight line. Light cannot pass through opaque objects.
                    2. Can be converted to other energy forms.
                    3. Forces
                      1. Gravitational
                        1. It is a pulling force. In a diagram we represent gravitational force with an arrow pointing downwards
                        2. Frictional
                          1. It is the force that opposes motion. In diagrams, the arrow points in the direction again a moving object
                          2. Magnetic
                            1. It either pulls (force of repulsion) or pushes (force of attraction). It can pass through non-magnetic materials.
                              1. Objects
                                1. Cobalt (not Copper)
                                  1. Iron
                                    1. Steel
                                      1. Nickel
                                    2. Elastic spring
                                      1. Causes springs to extend
                                      2. Effects of a Force
                                        1. Move a stationary object
                                          1. Stop a moving object
                                            1. Changes the shape of the object
                                              1. Changes the direction of a moving object
                                                1. Changes the speed of a moving object
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