Massachusetts Institute of Technology


This project is about information of the schools in the MIT. Also activities, scolarships, etc.
Mariana Galicia
Mind Map by Mariana Galicia, updated more than 1 year ago
Mariana Galicia
Created by Mariana Galicia about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  1. Cambridge, Massachusetts
    1. Five schools
      1. Architecture and Planning
        1. Engineering
          1. Chemical Engineering
          2. Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
            1. Sloan School of Management
              1. Science
              2. Accommodations
                1. 11 residences
                2. Programs and activities
                  1. Sport activities
                    1. Cultural activities
                    2. Foreign students
                      1. Extracurriculars activities
                      2. Cost studies
                        1. USD
                        Show full summary Hide full summary


                        Modal verbs
                        Ana Garcia Bustamante
                        Segundo parcial (Lab. de Histología) [Teoría]
                        Sairis Cedano
                        Beneficios de la implementación del Blockchain en la educación superior
                        Julio Cesar Bonilla Pardo
                        Procesamiento de Datos
                        Estebany Colina
                        Maria Navarro´s PLE
                        Mitosis and Cell Division Notes
                        Cielo Monarez
                        GEOGRAPHICAL WORDS
                        Idoia Puente
                        describing a person
                        Marcos Asenjo
                        Iván Guzman
                        English flashcards
                        antonio serrano
                        The Gospel according to IKEA
                        Elisa García