GCSE ICT Revision_1


This Mind Map shows an overview of the GCSE ICT course showing all topics which students need to study for their exam.
Mind Map by tatemae.honne, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Leyden
Created by Andrea Leyden almost 11 years ago
Copied by tatemae.honne almost 11 years ago
Copied by tatemae.honne almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE ICT Revision_1
  1. 1. ICT Systems
    1. Definition of an ICT System
      1. Types of ICT Systems
        1. Feedback
          1. Media Integration
            1. Integration of Information Services
              1. Integrating a New Computer System
              2. 2. Hardware
                1. Input/Output Devices
                  1. Data Storage
                    1. ROM & RAM
                      1. Storage Devices
                    2. 3. Software
                      1. Word Processing
                        1. Graphic Software
                          1. Presentation Software
                            1. Programming Languages
                              1. Operating Systems
                                1. User Interfaces
                                2. 4. Networks and Communications


                                  • There are 3 main network types: the bus network, the star network and the ring network.
                                  1. Definition of a Network
                                    1. Advantages/Disadvantages
                                      1. Types of Networks
                                        1. LANs & WANs
                                        2. The Internet
                                          1. Connection Types
                                            1. Search engines
                                            2. Email
                                              1. Advantages & Disadvantages
                                            3. 5. Data, Information and Databases
                                              1. Definitions
                                                1. Data Capture & Structure
                                                  1. Data Validation & Verification
                                                    1. Data security
                                                      1. Data Transfer
                                                      2. 6. Measurement and Control
                                                        1. Computer Control
                                                          1. Logo Computer Programming Language
                                                            1. System Flowcharts
                                                              1. Data Logging
                                                              2. 7. Modelling and Simulation
                                                                1. Spreadsheets
                                                                  1. Computer Simulations
                                                                  2. 8. The Legal Framework
                                                                    1. Data Protection Act
                                                                      1. Computer Misuse Act
                                                                        1. Copyright
                                                                        2. 9. Risks & Implications of ICT
                                                                          1. Viruses
                                                                            1. Moral & Social Issues
                                                                              1. Changing Lifestyles
                                                                                1. Changing Work Patterns
                                                                                  1. Health & Safety
                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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