

Mind Map on Leisure, created by siannacole7 on 16/04/2014.
Mind Map by siannacole7, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by siannacole7 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Within the home
    1. The family home remained the centre of leisure as it included TV viewing, listening to music and reading magazines and cheap paperback books were easily available
      1. Television programmes such as Gardeners World featuring Percy Thrower encouraged DIY and gardening to become popular hobbies
        1. New products were created to accommodate the growth in gardening and DIY such as weed killers, composts and plastic garden tools
          1. The worlds first electric hover-mower was created in 1969 called the Flymo
          2. 4/5 homes possessed a garden which provided an escape from urban life
            1. Cookery, needlework and knitting still had a place in the 1960's home and was encouraged by new gadgets
              1. Kitchen appliances made cooking more attractive and household tasks became less time consuming due to labour saving devices
                1. Woman had more time for creative activities which were reflected through women's magazines such as Stitchcraft and also in more general magazines with a regular recipe feature
          3. Outside the home
            1. Pubs and working men's clubs remained popular but some older activities such as cinema experienced a decline
              1. The spread of cars, foreign travel and rising living standards encouraged new activities such as eating out
                1. Restaurants appeared and catered for all tastes
                  1. Shopping became a leisure activity
                    1. Advertising tempted people to go shopping for luxuries rather than just necessities as mass production meant there were more goods readily available
                    2. Caravanning, golf and sailing became more popular in the 1960's
                  2. Increased car ownership
                    1. Cars provided an easy means of travelling for personal needs and comfort
                      1. Passenger bus, coach and train travel declined due to cars grew to account for 77% of journeys by 1974
                        1. Cars had room for family, luggage and goods
                          1. The camper van was marketed as an opportunity for families to enjoy a flexible and individual style of holiday
                        2. Cars became affordable due to new technological improvements and new designers
                          1. Alec Issigonis developed the cheap car called the Mini priced under £500. It was small and basic, but people such as Prince Charles and The Beatles made it into a fashion icon
                            1. The mini became the the symbol of "Swinging London"
                            2. More people could afford it, and even a small car showed that a family had become more affluent
                            3. Environmental changes were brought about as many roads were newly built
                              1. The first long stretch from London to Yorkshire of the modern M1 motorway was made in 1959
                                1. There was an approximate £104m loss in the rail industry
                                  1. The Beeching Report closed branch lines, stations and dismantled tracks to reduce the rail networks. This meant that 160,000 jobs were lost over 7 years
                              2. Mass tourism
                                1. Cheap package holidays were popular
                                  1. Holiday providers were forced to adapt to the changing times
                                    1. Resorts such as Butlins advertised for the growing teenage market, which backfired as the camps became branded as dens of vandalism
                                    2. Britannia Airways was founded in 1964 to fly holidaymakers to Spain, the Canary Islands, Malta, Bulgaria and North Africa
                                      1. Entrepreneurship grew in the 1960's to take advantage of this increase
                                        1. There was restricted competition between different flights until 1971, but they could fly at a discount if passengers had 6 months' membership to a group or club (not about travel). Entrepreneurs created bogus societies to exploit the holiday market
                                      2. The Spanish leader General Franco encouraged travel as it would bring economic success to his country
                                        1. He transformed parts of Spain into tourist resorts such as Benidorm and the Balearic Islands
                                          1. 2 weeks in Spain cost at little as £20 and 30% of all overseas package holidays were taken there
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