How does the social and cultural structure of settlements vary and why?


A-level Geography G2 (2.2 - Social and cultural structure variations and why) Mind Map on How does the social and cultural structure of settlements vary and why?, created by RoryFlynn2 on 09/05/2013.
Mind Map by RoryFlynn2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RoryFlynn2 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

How does the social and cultural structure of settlements vary and why?
  1. Industrialisation
    1. Growth of factories which attract workers which improves development of towns and cities
      1. Cumulative causation
        1. Investment
          1. Factories
            1. Workers
              1. More factories
                1. More workers
                  1. Higher tax
                    1. Economic growth
      2. Suburbanisation
        1. People who sought to escape noise and pollution of inner city
          1. Move from centre to sub-urbs
          2. Hartley, Plymouth
            1. 3 miles from city centre
              1. Well established residential area
                1. family life
                2. Most houses from 20's + 30's
                  1. Wealthy area - large houses (Low density)
                    1. Almost no commerical
                      1. Lots of land + space
                        1. Bus service along main road
                    2. Urban sprawl
                      1. Cities expanding outwards into countryside
                      2. Counter-urbanisation
                        1. Movement away from cities all together and into towns/ villages
                          1. Consequence
                            1. Increased pressure to build housing
                              1. Rising populations
                                1. Increased divorce rates
                                  1. Later marriages increases demand for houses
                              2. Urchfont, Wiltshire
                                1. 1950s
                                  1. 10 farms
                                    1. no piped water until 1956
                                      1. Today
                                        1. 1/4 of people aged over 65yrs - 16% of Wiltshire's over 65 as a whole
                                          1. Rural aspect suffering
                                            1. Farmers facing ruin - big agriculture recessions
                                              1. Must expand crops to survive
                                              2. Urban aspect thriving
                                                1. 7% of houses are second homes to people living in cities
                                          2. Reurbanisation
                                            1. Movement back into an area once abandoned
                                              1. Uses gentrification, renovation and re-imaging of areas within cities
                                              2. Suburban intensification
                                                1. Infilling vacant building plots, replacing detached large housing with smaller homes or flats
                                                  1. Upgrading local shipping areas by allowing high street names to take over local
                                                    1. Suburbs become urban + higher building densities
                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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