Physics P1 - Electrical Energy


GCSE Physics Mind Map on Physics P1 - Electrical Energy, created by Rick Wear on 16/04/2017.
Rick Wear
Mind Map by Rick Wear, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Phoebe Drew
Created by Phoebe Drew about 10 years ago
Rick Wear
Copied by Rick Wear almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Physics P1 - Electrical Energy
  1. Electrical Appliances
    1. Transfers electricity into any useful form
      1. Should waste as little energy as possible
      2. Electrical Power
        1. Power- Rate it transfers energy
          1. Watt
            1. 1kW=1000W
          2. Power= Energy/ Time
          3. Using Electrical Energy
            1. Kilowatt-hour- Energy transferred to kW appliance in an hour
              1. Energy= Power x Time
                1. kw=kW x h
                2. Total cost= Number of kWh x Cost per kWh
                3. Cost Effectiveness Matters
                  1. Best value for money
                    1. Payback Time- Time for appliance to save same as it cost
                      1. Payback Time= Cost/ Saving per year
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