Metallic Structures


Facts about Metallic Structures. Comment Below if this helps you:)
Evangeline Taylor
Mind Map by Evangeline Taylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Evangeline Taylor
Created by Evangeline Taylor almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Metallic Structures
  1. Metal properties are all due to the sea of free electrons
    1. Metal also consist of a giant structure
    2. Metallic bonds involve the all-important ‘free electrons’
      1. Produce all the properties of metals
        1. These delocalised (free) electrons come from the outer shell of every metal atom in the structure
        2. These electrons are free to move through the whole structure and so metals are good conductors of heat and electricity
          1. These electrons also hold the atoms together in a regular substance
            1. Strong force of electrostatic attraction between the positive metal ions and the negative electrons.
            2. They also allow the layers of atoms to slide over each other, allowing metals to be bent and shaped.
              1. Alloys are harder than pure metals
                1. Pure metals often aren’t quite right for the job
                2. So scientists mix of two or more metals together – creating an alloy with the properties they want.
                  1. Different element has different sized atoms
                    1. So when another metal is mixed with a pure metal
                      1. The new metal atoms will distort the layers of metal atoms
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