Research Methods


I-level Psychology Mind Map on Research Methods, created by Reuben Caruana on 22/05/2014.
Reuben Caruana
Mind Map by Reuben Caruana, updated more than 1 year ago
Reuben Caruana
Created by Reuben Caruana almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Research Methods
  1. Quantitative Research
    1. Expermental Hypothesis
    2. Qualitative Research
      1. Variables
        1. Independent Variable (manipulating)
          1. Dependent Variable (responding)
            1. Confounding Variable (extraneous)
              1. Participant Variable
                1. Situational Variable
                2. Controlled Variable
                3. Null Hypothesis
                  1. Sampling Techniques
                    1. Random Sampling
                      1. Quota Sampling
                        1. Self-selecting Sampling
                          1. Opportunity Sampling
                          2. Standard Procedures
                            1. Reflexivity
                              1. Experimental Designs
                                1. Independent Design
                                  1. Matched Participant Design
                                    1. Repeated Measures Design
                                    2. Hypothesis
                                      1. One Tailed
                                        1. Two Tailed
                                        2. Experiments
                                          1. Lab Experiments
                                            1. Field Experiments
                                              1. Quasi Experiments
                                                1. Natural Experiments
                                                  1. Field Observations
                                                    1. Structured Observation
                                                      1. Behaviour Checklists/Coding Systems
                                                      2. Unstructured Observation
                                                        1. Self-Report Studies
                                                        2. Cross-sectional and longitudinal Studies
                                                          1. Correlational Studies
                                                            1. Case Studies
                                                              1. Survey Studies
                                                              2. Reliability and Validity
                                                                1. Descriptive Satistics
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