National Identity


A - Level Sociology (Identity ) Mind Map on National Identity, created by Yasmine King on 06/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

National Identity
  1. Phillips et al
    1. The National Curriculum supports the ideology of nationalism. Key element in creating national identity
    2. Schuden
      1. All British people are socialised into a common national culture and identity through various means.
        1. A common language
          1. Education
            1. The mass media
          2. Kumar
            1. The English find it difficult to say who they are and that the English national identity is elusive.
            2. Hewitt
              1. 'White Backlash' from the white working classes against what they perceive to be preferential treatment of ethnic minorities. Encouraged a new form of white British nationalism
                1. Through education this can be created and reinforced as they say they felt victimised by teachers
              2. Hall
                1. 3 different reactions to globalisation
                  1. Accept a global culture and all countries will become more similar- Cultural homogenisation
                    1. They may take some parts of the global culture and develop a new but still individual culture- Cultural hybridity
                      1. May resist global culture and fiercely protect their cultural heritage, becoming more traditional and nationalistic- Cultural resistance
                      2. National identity becoming less and less significant
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