1930-1934 Timeline


India Mind Map on 1930-1934 Timeline, created by lucybeach9 on 20/05/2013.
Mind Map by lucybeach9, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle over 11 years ago
Tom Lea
Copied by Tom Lea over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 11 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 10 years ago
Copied by lucybeach9 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

1930-1934 Timeline
  1. 1st Roundtable Conference 1930
    1. Gandhi-Irwin Pact March 1931
      1. 2nd Roundtable Conference Sept 1931
        1. Communal Award August 1932
          1. Gandhi rearrested, Civil Disob restarts
            1. 3rd Round Table Conf Nov 1932
              1. Individual Civil Disobedience 1933-34
                1. Congress made announcement that people should feel free to take responsibility of own civil disobedience
                  1. 1000s took part, whilst Congress could take no blame
                    1. Action crushed by mass arrest and repression
                      1. 100,000 arrested as a result of civil disob as a whole
                        1. Nationalists lost respect for British
                          1. Had Greater success than anticipated
                            1. Brits still didnt know how to deal with Gandhi
                              1. Increased participation and support - people can campaign for whatever they want
                2. Pointless
                  1. Scarcely attended
                    1. No major parties/majorites
                      1. No agreement
                3. British Raj grants emergency powers
                  1. Gandhi arrested
                    1. Then released on health grounds due to fasting
                      1. Advised Congress to end civil disob and requested that Govt release prisoners
                        1. Both requests refused
                          1. Shows limits of Gandhi's power
                4. Sets out rights to separate representation for minorities
                  1. Gave reserved seats
                    1. Gandhi fully opposed this, believed Congress was best place for Dalits
                      1. Gandhi fasted in protest of this
                5. Similar purpose as first conference
                  1. well-attended by all
                    1. Gandhi is only rep of Congress
                      1. Claims to speak for all Indians/parties
                        1. Caused anger among other parties
                          1. Ends without agreement on political protection of different religious communities
                            1. Gandhi strongly against idea of reserved seats
                              1. Saw Congress as umbrella party
                6. Gandhi Agreed to
                  1. End Civil Disobedience
                    1. Partake in next roundtable conference
                    2. Irwin Agreed to
                      1. Hold an inquiry into Police brutality
                        1. Release political prisoners not guilty of violence
                          1. Make all future changes in India's interest
                          2. SUGGESTION
                            1. Gandhi holds same amount of power as viceroy
                          3. Aim: to settle India's future
                            1. Held in house of Lords
                              1. Included Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and Dalits
                                1. No Gandhi/Congress
                                  1. Needed to get council agreement before making laws
                                    1. 2 points of Agreement
                                      1. British India and Princely India should be linked
                                        1. Reserved seats should be given
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