

Mind Map on Earth, created by ipton64 on 20/05/2013.
Mind Map by ipton64, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ipton64 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Phase 1: many million years ago..
    1. 1) molten - so hot atmosphere boiled away..
      1. 2)eventually cooled to form thin crust
        1. 3)volcanoes erupted: gave of Co2 and water vapour. Mostly Co2 no oxygen
          1. 4)Water vapour condensed to create oceans
          2. Phase 2
            1. 1)Co2 dissolved in oceans
              1. 2)marine organism developed
                1. took in CO2 - buried under layer of sediment - locked in carbonate rock
                  1. Green plants evolved - took co2 , produce O2 by photosnythesis
                  2. Phase 3:
                    1. build up o2 killed off early organism
                      1. Oxygen created ozone layer, blocked harmful rays.
                        1. more complex org. could flourish
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