Weimar Republic: problems in the 1920s


Mind Map on Weimar Republic: problems in the 1920s, created by hannahlmcdonald1271 on 12/06/2014.
Mind Map by hannahlmcdonald1271, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahlmcdonald1271 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Weimar Republic: problems in the 1920s
  1. Defeat in WW1
    1. Germany was in a bad state at the end of the war
      1. Allies had stopped supplies reaching them
        1. Political unrest
          1. Strikes
            1. angry about losing the war
            2. Treaty of Versailles unfair
            3. Treaty of versailles
              1. Land
                1. England wanted some colonies
                  1. German had to give back the land taken to France
                    1. German had to hand over 13% of their land
                    2. Money
                      1. Reparations of £6600million
                      2. Army
                        1. Germany had to hand over their defences
                          1. Submarines
                            1. Tanks
                              1. Airforce
                            2. Blame
                              1. Germany forced to sign document to say they had started the war
                                1. The war guilt clause
                              2. Political violence
                                1. Left wing
                                  1. The spartacist rising
                                    1. Spartacist league
                                      1. Communists
                                      2. Diddn't trust goverment
                                        1. Tried to start a revolution
                                          1. Got thwarted by government instantly
                                          2. Red rising in the Rhur
                                            1. Workers led by communist party
                                              1. Workers angry about pay
                                                1. Red army of 50,000 ached on the Rhur
                                                  1. Had weak leadership so never was a real threat
                                                2. Right wing
                                                  1. Kapp Putsch
                                                    1. Friekorps, led by Wolfgang Kapp
                                                      1. 12,000 Freicorps marched to berlin and Kapp took over for 4 days
                                                        1. Government came back after the public rebelled against them
                                                        2. Munich Putsch (Nazis)
                                                          1. Marched to munich with the support of Khar
                                                            1. Threatened government and almost took over
                                                              1. Khar withdrew his support
                                                                1. Nazi army was amnushed by the government
                                                            2. Invasion of the Rhur
                                                              1. France and Belgium marched to the rhineland
                                                                1. Demanded reparations from Germany
                                                                2. Germany couldn't pay them
                                                                  1. Workers went on strike
                                                                    1. German leader persuaded them to leave eventually
                                                                    2. Hyper-Inflation
                                                                      1. 2)The German mark becomes less valuable as more money is printed
                                                                        1. 1)Government prints more money to pay for war reparations
                                                                          1. 3)Rises in prices means that salaries cannot keep up
                                                                            1. 4)The mark is now worthless, everyday goods are bought at ridiculously high prices
                                                                              1. Definition: When the prices increase so much that the economy cannot keep up
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