A force acting on a surface is called thrust.
Measured in dynes in CGS system and newtons in SI system.
The force acting normally on unit surface area is called pressure.
Thrust A forever acting normally on a surface is called thrust. Measured in dynes in CGS system and newtons in SI system.
Pressure The force acting normally on a surface area is called pressure.
Pressure = Thrust upon Area
Pressure is a scalar quantity.
Unit of pressure When a force of 1N acts normally on an area of 1 sq.m , then the pressure acting on that surface is called 1 pascal.
Fluids Any substance which has no fixed shape and can follow is called fluids
The momentum imparted per second by the molecules to a given surface gives rise to average force acting on the surface. This average force acting per unit area gives rise to fluid pressure
Factors on which the pressure at a point in fluid depends.
Pressure in fluids is directly proportional to its height (or depth)
Pressure in a fluid is directly proportional to its density
Pressure in a fluid is directly proportional to the acceleration due to gravity.
Pressure in a fluid is independent if the area of cross section.
Laws of fluid pressure
Pressure at a point inside the liquid increases with the depth from the free surface of the liquid.
Pressure at a point inside the liquid at a given depth increases with the increase in the density of the liquid.
Pressure is same in all directions, about a given point within the liquid
Pressure is same at all points in horizontal plane at a given depth in a stationary liquid
A liquid seeks its own level
The force exerted by the air on a unit surface area is called atmospheric pressure.