Biochemistry Formation of Dental Plaque


bacalaureat Dental Biochemistry Mind Map on Biochemistry Formation of Dental Plaque, created by Caroline Oxford on 21/05/2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mind Map by Caroline Oxford, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Created by Caroline Oxford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biochemistry Formation of Dental Plaque
  1. Stage 1
    1. Glucoproteins attach to tooth
      1. Sticky Pellicle forms
        1. Forms Matrix
          1. Saliva
            1. More Bacteria
              1. Sends chemical messages
              2. contains Bicarbonate to balance pH
              3. Uses glucose, broken down sucrose by bacteria
                1. Produces Glucans
            2. Cell free/Organic
          2. Stage 2
            1. Gram +ive Strep cocci (Mutans)
              1. Acid tollerating
                1. Lower pH
            2. Stage3
              1. Crevicular fluid
                1. Protein breakdown
                  1. More bacteria join forming dental biofilm
                    1. Sulpher releasing
                    2. Fluid rich in WBC and nutrients
                      1. Collegan breakdown.
                      2. Favours Gram -ive and Bacilli
                        1. Eccanella bacteria
                          1. Breaks down Lysine
                            1. Cells need Lysine, breaksdown into Crevicular fluid
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