Aquae Sulis


GCSE Latin Background Mind Map on Aquae Sulis, created by laidlawi on 21/05/2013.
Mind Map by laidlawi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laidlawi over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Aquae Sulis
  1. Lies beneath the modern city of bath in the valley of the river Avon
    1. In a small area of low lying ground, enclosed by a bend in the river, mineral springs of hot water emerge from the ground at over a million litres a day.
      1. The water is at a temperature of between 46-49 degrees centigrade.
    2. When the Romans arrived, they were quick to recognise the importance of the springs.
      1. The most important part of of the baths is the sacred spring.
        1. The Romans enclosed it in a large reservoir and lined it with lead.
          1. The pool with its bubbling waters, overhung with clouds of steam was an awesome sight to many visitors to the baths.
        2. The main building was a long rectangular structure possibly the most magnificent set of baths west of Rome.
          1. It contained three main plunge pools filled with a constant supply of pleasant temperature.
            1. The water was brought to the spring through lead pipes.
              1. There was also a suite of hot and warm baths heated by a hypocaust.
                1. There was a caldarium, tepidarium and frigidarium.
          2. Some people travelled miles to Aquae Sulis attracted by the spring and it's healing powers.
            1. They thought that it could cure illnesses.
              1. So a temple was then constructed next to the bath buildings.
                1. A magnificent altar stoof infront of the temple and a life-size, bronze statue of the Goddess Sulis Minerva was inside.
            2. At the time of AD 83, Aquae Sulis was a small and growing community.
              1. The bath complex was the most impressive feature of the town.
                1. There were probably a few other public buildings, such as a basilica (administration), theatre, houses and inns.
              2. Aquae Sulis was a tourist centre as well as a place of religious pilgrimage.
                1. The entrance was probably crowded with souvenir stalls.
                  1. Visitors would buy things like good luck charms and offerings to throw into the sacred spring with a prayer for future good heath.
                    1. These offerings included gemstones and items of jewellery.
                2. Exevations have revealed the details of constructions of the Roman reservoir.
                  1. Thousands of coins have been found.
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