Conduction, radiation and convection


Physics - Density Mind Map on Conduction, radiation and convection, created by grayk on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by grayk, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by grayk over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Conduction, radiation and convection
  1. Conduction
    1. How is works: As the tempersture of a solid is increased, the particles vibrate more, so they gainmore kinetic energy.
      1. The increase in kinetic energy is passed onto adjacent particles through collision causing them to vibrate more.
    2. Conduction in Metals
      1. Metal atoms exist as positivly charged metal ions in a regular lettice structure. The ions are surrounded by negativley chaqrged electrons.
        1. some of the electrons are effectivley freeand can move within the metal.
        2. Convection
          1. Convection occurs only in fluids (liquids and gases). as a fluid is heated the particles gain energy
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