Human Trafficking


Mind Map on Human Trafficking, created by as.willen on 22/06/2014.
Mind Map by as.willen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by as.willen over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Human Trafficking
  1. LEDC`s
    1. For exaample Thailand, Nigeria and India
      1. LEDC`S are mainly source countries for human trafficking. Because a lot of people in LEDC`S are poor they are easyer victims for traffickers. This is because poverty causes vulnerability.
        1. Sometimes parents sell their children to traffickers becuse they need the money. Othertimes victims get a great job offer in an other city and realize to late that the job is not what they got told it was and there are many other ways traffickers get the victims in LEDC`S.
          1. Most victims get forced to sex or labour work.
        2. A lot of LEDC`s are also famous for sex tourism. In that case the trafficked people stay in their countries where they get forced to prostitution. Men from MEDC`s travel to the poor countries where they can have cheep sex even with children if they want to.
          1. Often in LEDC`s the police is not as strong so they struggle to prevent human trafficking.
          2. MEDC`s
            1. MEDC`s are mainly destination countries of human trafficking. This is because most people trafficked are used as sex workers and the sex industrie in MEDC`s is verry big because people have mor money then people in LEDC`s.
              1. Often in MEDC`s pimps make good buisness with making trafficked women work for them. A lot of clients in the sex industrie turn a blind eye on the back ground of the women.
              2. Some girls in MEDC`s also get forced into sex work by a men who makes them fall in love with him. In this case a men pretends to be their boyfriend and then slowly pulls her into prostitution.
                1. For example United States, Italy and Turkey
                2. Natural Disaster Zones
                  1. In natural disaster zones such as Hahiti or Indonesia a lot of huaman trafficking occurs. This is because the crisis gives police a lot of work and they focus on other things then the trafficking. In a disaster zone people are also more voundreable this makes it easier for the traffickers to kidnap or buy victims.
                    1. A lot of victimd of natural disasters get trafficked. Because they are often left with nothing they are easy victims for traffickers.
                  2. Global
                    1. Human trafffing is the second bigest criminal industry in the world. It happens pretty much everywhere, in bouth hemispheres, almost every country and city
                      1. Millions of people worldwide are affected by human trafficking. More then 600`000 people are trafficked every year. But it also affects people who are not trafficked such as relatives, pimps or men who sleep with trafficked women.
                          1. Human trafficking is against the human rights and a lot of poeople suffer from it. At the moment theire are more slaves worldwide then their were when slavery was legal, but not many people are aware of it.
                        1. "The illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation"
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