The Laws of Indicies


Maths (Indicies) Mind Map on The Laws of Indicies, created by nicolasn on 22/05/2013.
Mind Map by nicolasn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nicolasn over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Laws of Indicies
  1. The base numbers are the same eg. 4 x 4
    1. Add the powers
      1. Keep the base number the same
        1. It will = a number with a power
        2. The base numbers are different eg. 2 x 3
          1. Work each part of the question out separately
            1. Multiply those answers
              1. It will = a full number
              2. Dividing and same base number eg. 5/6
                1. Subtract the powers
                  1. Keep the base number the same
                    1. It will = a full number
                    2. General things about indicies
                      1. They can be /, x, + and -
                        1. It will = a full number or a number with a power
                          1. Always write out the powers
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