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Lift & Drag Devices
Aeronautical Engineering (M11 Mind Maps) Mind Map on Lift & Drag Devices, created by Kenzie Evans on 13/09/2017.
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aeronautical engineering
m11 mind maps
Mind Map by
Kenzie Evans
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Kenzie Evans
over 7 years ago
Resource summary
Lift & Drag Devices
Lift Devices
Hinged/pivoted or sliding profiles near trailing edge
Mainly used for landing to increase lift and drag
Used for take-off on large aircraft to increase lift
Plain Flap
Looks like a control surface
Flaps on two wings linked, move down together
55% lift increase
Split Edge Flap
65% lift increase
Flat metal plate which is hinged along its forward edge
Slotted Flap
70% lift increase
Allows air from lower side of wing to upper side
Helps prevent early flow seperation
Fowler Flap
95% lift increase
Rolls bac on a track when extended
Increases effective wing area and lowers trailing edge
Fits into lower contour of trailing edge when retracted
Moveable leading edge of the wing
Forms a slot when extended
35% lift increase
Drag Devices
Located on upper surface of the wing close to the trailing edge
Increases drag
Reduces lift
Air Brakes
Located in areas where structure is strong enough to withstand heavy air-loads
Some civil aircraft, tail cone is separated to increase total drag without affecting lift
Some military aircraft, located on the upper surface
Some aircraft located on the left and right sidewalls
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