Future Methodologies


Secondary Society and Culture (Social Change and Continuity) Mind Map on Future Methodologies, created by Hunter Lynch on 26/06/2014.
Hunter Lynch
Mind Map by Hunter Lynch, updated more than 1 year ago
Hunter Lynch
Created by Hunter Lynch over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Future Methodologies
  1. Forecasting
    1. Historical data to forecast short term future + Graphs and statistics to make predictions
    2. Feasibility Studies
      1. Detailed assessment of the need, value, and practicality of a particular future + Helps determine the most effective and efficient use of resources
      2. Scenario Writing
        1. Analysing various factors and how their combination would affect the future + Tend to use the ‘best case’ and ‘worst case’ method
        2. Simulation Games
          1. Similar to a role-play, where participants represent a role within a situation, and improvise their interactions + Shows the processes, stereotypes, and perspectives that may influence futures
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