computer system


Year 8 Computing Mind Map on computer system, created by lucy balcombe on 21/09/2017.
lucy  balcombe
Mind Map by lucy balcombe, updated more than 1 year ago
lucy  balcombe
Created by lucy balcombe about 7 years ago

Resource summary

computer system
  1. input devices
    1. key board-allows the user to input text.
      1. microphone-allows user to input vocals.
        1. mouse-allows user to select items displayed on the monitor
          1. sensor-checks for stuff
            1. buttons-allows user to click to do something
            2. output devices
              1. monitor-displays information to the user.
                1. speaker-lets out sounds
                  1. camera-records visual images
                  2. storage
                    1. USB stick-a thing that you plug into a computer to transfer information onto a comutuer
                      1. DVD-(digital versatile disc) a disc that spins in a thing and uses lasers to transfer images and sound very quickly onto a computer
                        1. CD-(compact drive) a bit like a DVD but just stores sound
                          1. Hard Drive-The base storage, normally designed for a phone or laptop
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