Chemical Bonding


National 5 Chemistry - Chemical Changes And Structure (Chemical Bonds)
Callum  Cook
Mind Map by Callum Cook, updated more than 1 year ago
Callum  Cook
Created by Callum Cook over 7 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Chemical Bonding
  1. IONIC
    1. Formed between Metals and Non-metals
      1. Metal loses electron
        1. Emptys outer energy level to become like the nearest Noble Gas
        2. Non-metal gains electrons
          1. Completes outer energy level to become like the nearest Noble Gas
        3. High Melting Point
          1. Doesn't conduct as a solid.
            1. When in solution or molten, the Ions can move freely. Therefore can conduct electricity.
            2. Forms Lattice structures held together by the attraction of the negative and positive Ions.
            3. Covalent
              1. Formed between Non-metals
                1. Never Conducts Electricity
                  1. Sharing of Electrons to fill outer energy levels
                    1. One shared pair forms a single bond. Two shared pairs form a double bond. Three shared pairs form a triple bond.
                    2. Two Forms Of Covalent
                      1. Molecular
                        1. Weak bonds between molecules so low melting points
                          1. No conduction
                            1. Shapes: Linear Angular Tetrahedral Pyramidal
                            2. Network
                              1. Strong bonds between molecules so high melting points
                                1. No Conduction. Except Graphite
                                  1. Examples: Carbon (diamond) Silicon Dioxide Carbon (Graphite - only forms 3 bonds between carbons so electrons can move around)
                                    1. High Melting Point
                                  2. Diatomic Elements
                                    1. Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine
                                      1. Exist in covalent bonds naturally to complete outer energy level and be stable
                                        1. Oxygen - double bond Nitrogen - triple bond
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