Topic 3 - People and ICT systems


A-Levels ICT (ICT) Mind Map on Topic 3 - People and ICT systems, created by rebeccalloyd1994 on 23/05/2013.
Mind Map by rebeccalloyd1994, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rebeccalloyd1994 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Topic 3 - People and ICT systems
  1. Characteristics of users
    1. Experience
      1. Do they need training? if so, are they expected to learn it on their own using manual, tutorials etc.
      2. Physicaly capability
        1. Sensory impairment? Blind - 'talking' computer, braille keyboards/ printers
          1. Physically disabled? Mobility - voice activated systems
          2. Environment of use
            1. Home, on the move, work
            2. Task to be undertaken
              1. Different user requirements
            3. Ways to make an ICT system easier to use
              1. Offer different languages
                1. Allow text to be read out loud
                  1. Use plain, simple language or include a GLOSSARY
                    1. Allow users to change text size
                      1. HELP button
                        1. Allow users to change the colour of text/ background
                          1. User guide
                          2. How unsers interact with ICT systems (Talk about interfaces - benefits and limitations)
                            1. On-line help for beginners +
                              1. Help-desks - manned by someone from the IT department
                                1. Existing users = more experienced and can help
                                  1. Training - tutorials, interactive, face-face training, paper based, instructional training
                                  2. Effective ICT teams
                                    1. Advantages
                                      1. Time effective
                                        1. BOUNCE ideas
                                          1. Project manager can assign tasks appropriately according to skils & experience
                                            1. Help and motivate eachother
                                              1. Always someone to take over anyone who leaves
                                                1. Work is superior that individual work
                                                2. Disadvantages
                                                  1. Some people don't like to depend on others
                                                    1. Lots of meetings needed to coordinate
                                                      1. Hard to manage
                                                        1. Conflict
                                                          1. if someone is behind, affects all
                                                        2. Jobs available to ICT professionals
                                                          1. Roles of ICT professionals
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