Pollination and Fertilisation


GCSE biology Mind Map on Pollination and Fertilisation, created by jamesjames456 on 23/05/2013.
Mind Map by jamesjames456, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamesjames456 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pollination and Fertilisation
  1. Flowers have male and female gametes
    1. Male (stamen
      1. Anther
        1. contains pollen grains that produce sperm
        2. Filament
          1. The stalk that supports the Anther
        3. Female (carpel)
          1. Stigma
            1. End bit that pollen grains stick to
            2. Style
              1. Rod-like section that supports the stigma
              2. Ovary
                1. Contains the eggs
            3. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the Anther to the Stigma
              1. Cross pollination is from one plant to another
                1. Sexually pollinating plants rely on insects or the wind
                  1. Insect pollinators
                    1. Have large, bright petals
                      1. Scented, and have nectar glands
                        1. Big, sticky pollen grains that stick to the insect
                          1. Stigma is also sticky making the pollen easily attachable
                          2. Wind pollinators
                            1. Small, dull petals
                              1. Not scented, and no nectar glands
                                1. A lot of pollen
                                  1. Small and light, easily carried by the wind
                                  2. Long filament - Anther hangs outside the flower
                                    1. More pollen can be carried by the wind
                                    2. Large, feathery stigma that also hangs out the flower
                                2. Fertilisation
                                  1. The fusion of gametes
                                    1. When the male gamete lands on the plant, it inserts a pollen tube and the nucleus travels to the ovary
                                      1. Fertilisation is when the two nuclei fuse together to make a zygote
                                        1. This divides by mitosis to form an embryo
                                          1. Each fertilised female gamete forms a seed. The ovary develops into a fruit around the seed
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