System Security


Year 11 Computing Mind Map on System Security, created by Georgios Mikalef on 28/09/2017.
Georgios Mikalef
Mind Map by Georgios Mikalef, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgios Mikalef
Created by Georgios Mikalef about 7 years ago

Resource summary

System Security
  1. Threats posed to networks
    1. Malware
      1. A software which is made to damage a computers software
        1. E.g a virus which is damaging your computer
        2. Phishing
          1. attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords
            1. E.g sending emails to people with their passwords and personal details
            2. People as the weak point in secure systems (social engineering)
              1. an attack vector that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking people into breaking normal security procedures.
                1. Staff not knowing how a network works
                2. Brute force attacks
                  1. A trial and error process in which they encode passwords using exhaustive efforts (brute force)
                    1. E.g Hacking talk talk and send loads of requests until they gave up
                    2. DDOS
                      1. is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack
                        1. such as a server, website or other network resource, and cause a denial of service for users of the targeted resource.
                        2. Data interception and theft
                          1. stealing computer based info from an unknown person
                            1. E.g getting hacked,
                            2. SQL injection
                              1. a computer attack in which it targets a poorly designed application and attacks the spine of the system which makes it do things it shouldn't
                                1. E.g An computer without a antivirus, it'll go to the computer and then affect the whole network
                                2. Poor network policy
                                  1. A set of rules for using networks when they're poorly made can cause people to hack
                                    1. E.g not following policy rules like leaving computers unattended
                                  2. Identifying and preventing vulnerablilities
                                    1. Penetration Testing
                                      1. testing yourself how secure your security by attempting to hack it
                                        1. Attempting to break into your own code
                                        2. Network Foreniscs
                                          1. Network Policies
                                            1. A set of rules followed by people in a network to keep everyone safe and prevent hacks
                                            2. Anti-Malware Software
                                              1. software that prevents malwares from damaging your computer
                                                1. Found in computers , phones etc
                                                2. Firewalls
                                                  1. A type of protection used by anti viruses
                                                  2. User Access Levels
                                                    1. Different ranked people can access different types of data
                                                      1. E.g the the Janitor won't be able to access patient files
                                                      2. Password
                                                        1. A code that is yours that no one knows just for you to keep your cookies/ things pivate
                                                          1. the simpler the password the easier to hack
                                                          2. Encryption
                                                            1. data is broken down into code. To translate the key is needed
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