Andy Warhol


Mind Map on Andy Warhol, created by Michela Felice on 28/09/2017.
Michela  Felice
Mind Map by Michela Felice, updated more than 1 year ago
Michela  Felice
Created by Michela Felice about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Andy Warhol
  1. He was an American artist
    1. He he most known for being a POP ART artist
    2. POP ART
      1. Is an art that emerged in the mid-1950s in Britain and the late 1950s in the united states
        1. He most known pop art pieces are the cambells soup can painting also the marilyn monroe
        2. He also does the style of repetition with the same image using the pop art style.
          1. He does this with using a particular image and creates it in a grid of four sqaures or sometimes more
          2. Warhol does another type of pop art piece which is not entirely bright coloured
            1. This piece the banana is very effective but it isn't in the usual style of pop art with lots of bright colours
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