

A term map for postmodern rhetoric
Jennifer Wilhite
Mind Map by Jennifer Wilhite, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Wilhite
Created by Jennifer Wilhite about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Language
    1. Verbal and non-verbal symbolic systems
      1. Ideology
        1. heteroglossia
          1. accumulation of meaning
          2. Power
              1. Audience (other)
                1. Bitzer: "A rhetorical audience consists only of those persons who are capable of being influenced by discourse and of being mediators of change"
                2. Rhetor (self)
                    1. Reality
                      1. Subjectivity
                        1. the quality of being based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. "he is the first to acknowledge the subjectivity of memories" the quality of existing in someone's mind rather than the external world. "the subjectivity of human perception"
                          1. Something being a subject, broadly meaning an entity that has agency, meaning that it acts upon or wields power over some other entity
                        2. Agency
                          1. Kenneth Burke
                            1. inherently human capacity to act and is an intrinsically human ability to act upon evaluations and to question.
                            2. individual agency as the process through which organisms create meanings through acting into the world and changing their structure in response to the perceived consequences of their actions - Marilyn Cooper
                              1. Dialogism
                                1. Monologic
                                  1. centripetal: drawing in towards the center
                                    1. voice of the parent: tyrant
                                      1. unilateral (Johnston)
                                      2. Dialogic
                                        1. Centripetal Force
                                          1. Moving outward and away
                                          2. Multiplicity in meaning
                                            1. Postmodernism
                                              1. Paralogy
                                                1. Paralogy is the ongoing creation of meaning. You say something and it inspires me to say something in return
                                              2. bilateral (Johnston)
                                          3. Alterity
                                            1. the state of being different
                                              1. Room to be different
                                                1. used in media to express something other than the sameness of an imitation compared to the original.
                                              2. Spivak
                                                1. it is imperative for one to uncover the histories and inherent historical behaviors in order to exercise an individual right to authentic experience, identity and reality. Within the concept of socially constructed histories one "must take into account the dangerous fragility and tenacity of these concept-metaphors.
                                                2. Jadranka Skorin-Kapov
                                                  1. "The signification of the encounter with otherness is not in its novelty (or banal newness); on the contrary, newness has signification because it reveals otherness, because it allows the experience of otherness. Newness is related to surprise, it is a consequence of the encounter... Metaphysical desire is the acceptivity of irreducible otherness. Surprise is the consequence of the encounter. Between desire and surprise there is a pause, a void, a rupture, an immediacy that cannot be captured and presented.”
                                                  2. Understanding
                                                    1. Responsive
                                                      1. Shallow
                                                    2. exigence: a product of how an audience has been addressed and interacted with the discourse: urgent need or demand
                                                      1. Constraints: Limitations
                                                        1. ontology: the study of being or existence and questions of what kinds of entities exist are studied.
                                                          1. epistemology, the study of knowing and how we come to know and questions about what knowledge is and how knowledge is possible are studied
                                                            1. What we see as good or bad, significant or insignificant, right or wrong, beautiful or ugly will always fundamentally depend on what we believe is ultimately most real
                                                        2. Freedom
                                                          1. Rhetoric arises in contexts open to choice (Hauser 2002 62)
                                                        3. value system
                                                          1. Rhetoric
                                                            1. 1. rhetoric can reflect a self 2. Rhetoric can evoke a self 3. rhetoric can maintain a self 4. rhetoric can destroy a self
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