Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter


C2 - Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter
Ebony Scarlet
Mind Map by Ebony Scarlet, updated more than 1 year ago
Ebony Scarlet
Created by Ebony Scarlet about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Bonding, Structure and Properties of Matter
  1. Ions
    1. Charged particles - can be single or in a group
      1. Atoms gaining or losing electrons to form ions - trying to make full outer shell
        1. Metals form ions - lose electrons from outer shell to form positive ions
          1. Group 1 and 2 - metals and lose electrons to form positive ions (cations)
            1. Group 6 and 7 - non metals and gain electrons to form negative ions (anions)
            2. Non-metals form ions - gain electrons from outer shell to form negative ions
            3. Ionic bonding - transfer of electrons
              1. Metal and non-metal react together - metal atom loses electrons (positive ion) and non metal gains electrons (negative ion)
                1. Opposite charged ions - strongly attracted to each other (electrostatic forces)
            4. Bonds
              1. Ionic Bonding
                1. When a metal and a non metal react with each other
                  1. They share electrons
                    1. Want to make full outer shells
                      1. Be like noble gases
                        1. Usually group 7 - halogens
                          1. Some gases
                  2. Metallic Bonding
                    1. metal and metal
                      1. also share electrons... i think
                        1. The giant metallic lattice thing is basically loads of metal particles with e- in them, which is the electron
                          1. ertgfyhjkl
                            1. basically i want to die
                              1. because la chimie is the devil's subject but like its that bad even he doesn't want it
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