Input - Process - Output Model


Morgan Lyons
Mind Map by Morgan Lyons, updated more than 1 year ago
Morgan Lyons
Created by Morgan Lyons about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Input - Process - Output Model
  1. Output
    1. Monitor (VDU)
      1. A monitor is the screen connected to the computer that presents information on the screen.
      2. Printer
        1. A printer outputs information that the user of the computer would like to print out into paper form
        2. Speaker
          1. A speaker outputs the sound coming from the computer. Speakers can be built into the computer or separate and plugged into the computer.
          2. Headphones
            1. Headphones is an output source used for the user to listen to sound coming from the computer
          3. Input
            1. Mouse
              1. A mouse is what the user used to input and click information which is shown on the monitor
              2. Keyboard
                1. A keyboard is a input device to type character into the computer for the computer to output the display.
                2. Microphone
                  1. A microphone inputs sounds recorded by the user into the computer
                  2. Scanner
                    1. A scanner is an input device used to copy a paper document and take a picture of it to scan it onto your computer.
                  3. Process
                    1. The computer processes the information given through the input and given out as an output.
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