

Year 11 Computer Science Mind Map on Input-Process-Output, created by Holly Dooley on 04/10/2017.
Holly Dooley
Mind Map by Holly Dooley, updated more than 1 year ago
Holly Dooley
Created by Holly Dooley about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Output
    1. Monitor
      1. A screen used to display the output of the users actions.
      2. Speaker
        1. A device that outputs the requested audio.
        2. Printer
          1. A machine connected to a machine that makes copies of information stored on the computer.
        3. Process
          1. CPU
            1. Responsible for executing a sequence of stored instructions called the program.
              1. Central processing unit
            2. Input
              1. Mouse
                1. A device used to show and perform actions of a cursor on a computer screen.
                2. Keyboard
                  1. A set of keys pressed to display letter/number/symbols on the screen.
                  2. Microphone
                    1. A device that records audio and converts it so the computer can read it.
                    2. Scanner
                      1. A device used to copy a picture or device onto a computer.
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