Introduction to Legal Studies


BA Law outline
Mind Map by megan.woodhouse1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by megan.woodhouse1 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Introduction to Legal Studies
  1. Intro and background
    1. Reported court cases
      1. Citation
        1. criminal OR civil case
        2. The Law
          1. Sources of the law
            1. Primary or secondary
              1. Constitution
                1. Legislation(statutes)
                  1. case law/precedent
                    1. Stare decisis
                      1. library orientation
                        1. 3 judgements
                        2. common law(Roman Dutch)
                          1. customary law
                            1. Summary
                              1. Facts,Legal Question,Ratio Decidendi(Common law requirements v prefered explaination according to facts
                            2. Indigenous Law
                              1. Works of Modern Authors
                            3. History of the Law
                              1. Roman Law 753BC
                                1. Earliest Law,Roman and Classical jurisprudence,Juristinian's codifications,Middle ages
                                2. Dutch Law 16th-19th century
                                  1. Roman Dutch Law ,Codification 1838
                                  2. SA Law 1652 until present
                                    1. English Law,Indigenous Law,Customary law,Human Rights
                                    2. RECEPTION
                                      1. Trade relations-the Netherlands and East
                                      2. CLASSIFICATION OF THE LAW
                                        1. THE LAW
                                          1. National law(Municipal law)
                                            1. Substantive law
                                              1. Public law
                                                1. Constitutional law,administrative law,Criminal law
                                                2. Private law
                                                  1. Law of Persons,Law of family,Law of personality,Indigenous Law,LAW OF PATRIMONY
                                                    1. Law of property Law of succession,Law of intellectual property,Law of obligations:Law of Delict,Law of contract,Law of estoppel and enrichment
                                                    2. COMMERCIAL LAW
                                                  2. Adjective law
                                                    1. Law of criminal procedure,Law of civil procedure,Law of Evidence,Legal interpretation
                                                  3. International law(Law of Nations
                                                    1. IMPORTANCE:convention v court,The ICC,UN,Contract v delict,Crime v delict
                                                      1. SUPPLEMENTARY DISCIPLINES:private international law,legal philosophy,comparative law,legal history and roman law,forensic medicine
                                                      2. Aspects of private law
                                                        1. capacities(age,mental health,insolvency),legal subject, legal object,doctrine of subjective rights
                                                        2. Criminal law
                                                          1. Crime v Delict,general principles(elements of crime),punishment and judgement,specific crimes,offences
                                                          2. Criminal procedure
                                                            1. Law of evidence
                                                              1. Law of civil procedure
                                                                1. Action procedure
                                                                  1. Application procedure
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