SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


First stab at mind mapping. A work in progress.
Mind Map by LiberatedOrgan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by LiberatedOrgan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  1. Fatigue
    1. Fever
      1. Foto-sensitivity
      2. Flares
        1. Weight Gain
          1. H2O, Na+ retention
            1. decrease serum albumin
          2. GI issues
            1. weight loss
          3. Classic S/S
            1. PAIN
            2. Vasculitits
              1. Autoimmune
                1. Chronic inflammation, multiple organs
                  1. antinuclear antibodies (ANA) target nuclear self antigens
                    1. Inflammation in an SLE vessel shows activation of complement and inflammatory cell infiltration. Complications r/t increased vascular permeability are systemic, as the name implies, with multiple organs at in increase risk for damage and disease.
                      1. Serum labs typically show: elevated liver NZs, sed rate, C-reactive protein and creatinine ratio; heyolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia.Outcome of SLE flare: Prevent pancytopenia
                  2. abnormal immune function
                    1. etiology unclear; genetic susceptibility
                  3. pericarditis
                    1. glomerulonephritis / lupus nephritis
                      1. hematuria, proteinurea
                      2. keratitis
                        1. rash (erythemia) is often first symptom
                          1. photosensitive acute cutaneous molar, "butterfly" rash
                          2. Raynaud's Phenomenon
                            1. decreased blood flow extremeties
                              1. vasoconstriction =>cold hands & feet
                          3. American College of Rheumatology criteria for SLE diagnosis: SOAP BRAIN MD
                            1. S: Serositis
                              1. O: Oral Ulcers
                                1. A: Arthritis
                                  1. P: Photosensitivity
                                    1. B: Blood disorders
                                      1. R: Renal involvement
                                        1. A: Antiuclear Antibodies
                                          1. I: Immunologic phenomenon
                                            1. N: Neurologic disorder
                                              1. M: Malar rash
                                                1. D: Discoid rash

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