Leaving Certificate Examinations


Basic overview of the Leaving Certificate Examinations
Mind Map by rubyduggan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rubyduggan over 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Leaving Certificate Examinations
  1. Subjects
    1. Practical
      1. Technology
        1. Construction Studies
          1. Engineering
          2. Science
            1. Biology
              1. Chemistry
                1. Mathematics
                  1. Chemistry and Physics
                    1. Applied Mathematics
                      1. Agricultural Science
                        1. Physics
                        2. Business
                          1. Agricultural Economics
                            1. Economics
                              1. Accounting
                                1. Business
                                2. Artistic
                                  1. Art
                                    1. Design and Communication Graphics
                                      1. Music
                                      2. Humanities
                                        1. English
                                          1. Irish
                                            1. Geography
                                              1. History
                                                1. Classical Studies
                                                  1. French
                                                    1. Spanish
                                                      1. German
                                                        1. Ancient Greek
                                                          1. Italian
                                                            1. Hebrew Studies
                                                              1. Russian
                                                                1. Japanese
                                                                  1. Arabic
                                                                    1. Latin
                                                                    2. Social
                                                                      1. Religious Education
                                                                        1. Home Economics
                                                                      2. Grading Scale
                                                                        1. Higher Level
                                                                          1. Ordinary Level
                                                                          2. Dates
                                                                            1. 2014
                                                                              1. Examinations: 4th - 20th June
                                                                                1. Results: 13th August
                                                                                2. Commonly begins on the Wednesday after the June bank holiday
                                                                                3. Applications for higher education
                                                                                  1. Central Applications Office (CAO)
                                                                                    1. In charge of points grading
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