ICT Theory (Edexcel)


ICT Theory GCSE content
Tyler Lowe
Mind Map by Tyler Lowe, updated more than 1 year ago
Tyler Lowe
Created by Tyler Lowe almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

ICT Theory (Edexcel)
    1. Repetitive Strain Injury describes the pain felt in the muscles due to repetitive movement
      1. Rickets - a condition that affects bone development, causing bone to become weak, meaning children are more likely to fracture their bones
      2. SPAM
        1. The sending of unwanted messages (usually advertising) in large numbers
        2. PHISHING
          1. An attempt to gain personal information (usernames, credit card details, passwords etc.) for malicious purposes
          2. PHONE NETWORK
            1. A communications network used for phone calls between at least two parties (a caller and a recipient)
            2. COVERAGE
              1. How strong your connection is, depending on your location
              2. FIREWALL
                1. A security system that controls incoming and outgoing network traffic
                2. ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE
                  1. A program that is used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software
                  2. COOKIE
                    1. A piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's web browser whilst they browse, commonly used by retailers
                    2. SOCIAL NETWORKING
                      1. ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES
                        1. ADVANTAGE: Good for business, businesses can advertise their products to certain demographics, particularly teens because they make up a major proportion of social media's population
                          1. DISADVANTAGE: Can decrease face to face communication skills, provide people with an excuse to be rude and causes distractions from work with a constant sream of notifications.
                        2. WIKI
                          1. An online database that is developed collaboratively by a community of users
                            1. Anyone can be add and edit content meaning that wikis aren't the most reliable source to get information from
                            2. INTERNET FORUM
                              1. An online discussion site where people communicate through posted messages
                                1. A single discussion is called a 'thread'
                                  1. Subforums can contain several topics
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