

final exam essay
Anthony Giacomelli
Mind Map by Anthony Giacomelli, updated more than 1 year ago
Anthony Giacomelli
Created by Anthony Giacomelli about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Characters
    1. Authors
      1. Shakespeare
      2. Skepticism and Melancholy
        1. What is the purpose or ultimate worth of all this activity?
          1. a loss of firm belief in the final unity and the final itelligibility of the universe
            1. paralysis
            2. Well-Lived Life
              1. Code of Behavior
                1. NOT in terms of right and wrong, of good and evil (a moral "test") w/ rewards/punishment in the afterlife)
                  1. its present concrete validity and effectiveness
                    1. the delight it affords
                      1. its memorability
                        1. its beauty
                        2. emphasis on the immediate and tangible
                          1. earthly, amoral, and aesthetic character
                          2. individual human action
                            1. seeking in itself its own reward
                              1. finds justification ...
                                1. in its formal appropriateness
                                  1. in its being a well-rounded achievement, perfect of its kind
                                    1. in the zest and gusto with which it is, here and now, performed
                                      1. in its proving worthy of remaining as a testimony to the performer's power on earth
                                  2. Purpose of Life
                                    1. the unrestrained and self-sufficient practice of one's "virtue", the competent and delighted exercise of one's skill
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