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Research Methods in Psychology
research methods
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research methods
year 11
Mind Map by
Liv Woodward
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Liv Woodward
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
Research Methods in Psychology
Research methods
sample and population
research hypothesis
experimental research
independent variables: a variable that is manipulated
dependent variables: the variable that is measured
operationalising IV and DV: involves defining them in terms of the specific procedures or actions used to measure them
extraneous variables: other variables that effect the DV
confounding variables: a variable other than the IV that has an unwanted effect on the DV
Steps in psychological research
step 1: identify the research topic
step 2: formulate the research hypothesis
step 3: design the research
step 4: collect the data
step 5: analyse the data
step 6: interpret and evaluate the results
step 7: report the research and findings
Types of data
primary and secondary data
primary data: data that is collected directly by the researcher
secondary data: data that has been collected by someone other than the original user
qualitative and quantitative data
qualitative: information about the 'qualities' or characteristics of what is being studied
quantitative: numerical information on the 'quantity' or amount of what is being studied
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