Rabbit-Proof Fence & Anthropology


By: Manjot Khangura
Manjot Khangura
Mind Map by Manjot Khangura, updated more than 1 year ago
Manjot Khangura
Created by Manjot Khangura almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Rabbit-Proof Fence & Anthropology
  1. Mr. Neville has a dog
    1. Evolution
      1. Dogs evolved from wolves
    2. The indigenous man gives the girls meat by cutting it with a knife
      1. The meat is cooked using fire
        1. The importance of fire
      2. Opposable Thumbs
        1. The ability to hold the meat
        2. Eagle
          1. Symbol
            1. In the movie, A eagle is a spirit bird
          2. Gracie, Molly and Daisy escape and follow the rabbit proof fence home
            1. Bipedalism
              1. The ability to walk
            2. Inquiry Model
              1. Problem
                1. Only half cast people were targeted
                2. Hypothesis
                  1. Separated family and to erase culture and identity away
                  2. Gather Data
                    1. Take the children to Moore River and train to be domestic workers
                    2. Analyze Data
                      1. Children did not enjoy it and were running away
                      2. Conclusion
                        1. The Moore River residential schools was successful in training the children their duties and teaching them the "better" language and culture
                      3. The people of Jiglong are haunters living in the desert
                        1. Culture
                          1. Food
                            1. Customs
                              1. Beliefs
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