Nursing Management of Acute Stroke


Mind Map on Nursing Management of Acute Stroke, created by Meagan Javornich on 27/10/2017.
Meagan Javornich
Mind Map by Meagan Javornich, updated more than 1 year ago
Meagan Javornich
Created by Meagan Javornich almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Nursing Management of Acute Stroke
  1. Collaborative Care
    1. Acute Care
      1. Airway maintenance (Macauley, 2014).
        1. Fluid Therapy (Macauley, 2014).
          1. Treatment of cerebral edema (Macauley, 2014)
            1. Prevent secondary injury (Macauley, 2014).
            2. Surgical Therapy
              1. Drug Therapy
                1. Prevention
                  1. Lifestyle Modifications
                2. Disease Process
                  1. Pathophysiology
                    1. Ischemic Stroke
                      1. Thrombotic
                        1. A blood clot formed in the brain, this is usually attributed to atherosclerosis (Marsh & Banasik, 2013).
                        2. Embolic
                          1. Blockage of brain artery by a blood clot from the heart (Marsh & Banasik, 2013)
                          2. Occurs following the occlusion of a cerebral artery by a thrombus or embolus (Marsh & Banasik, 2013).
                            1. Causes ischemia, which can lead to necrosis and irreversible tissue damage (Marsh & Banasik, 2013)
                          3. Hemorrhagic Stroke
                            1. Bleed in brain parenchyma resulting from severe hypertension (Marsh & Banasik, 2013)
                          4. Symptoms
                            1. Motor and Sensory Defecits
                              1. Footdrop, outward rotation of leg, dependent edema (Marsh & Banasik, 2013).
                                1. Motor paralysis opposite to affected side of brain (Marsh & Banasik, 2013)
                                  1. Decreased muscle tone in affected limbs called flaccidity (Marsh & Banasik, 2013)
                                    1. Muscle Atrophy
                                      1. dysphagia
                                      2. Cognitive Deficits
                                        1. Language deficit
                                          1. Limited spacial awareness
                                            1. Reduced-short term memory
                                              1. Learning Impairments
                                                1. Impaired judgement
                                                    1. visual disturbance
                                                    2. Language Defecits
                                                      1. Aphasia, decreased vocabulary, diminished, attention span, inability to use learned linguistic rules (Marsh & Banasik, 2013).
                                                      2. Nausea, vomiting
                                                        1. headache
                                                          1. Change in bowel and bladder function
                                                        2. Client and Family Centered Care
                                                          1. Emotional support for caregiver necessary to address feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed (Platten, 2014).
                                                            1. Integrating families preferences and beliefs into decision making can enhance stroke outcomes (Krishnan et al., 2017).
                                                              1. Enable and encourage individuals to create goals that they will respond to and work together to achieve them (Kidd et al., 2015).
                                                                1. Targeted assessments to discover clinical severity and functional status, including individuals priorities to determine support needs and barriers to outcomes (Kidd et al., 2015)
                                                                  1. Recognize clients perspectives and expectations about care and base nursing care around these (Kidd, et al., 2015).
                                                                    1. Emotional Support Post stroke to combat loss of confidence, anxiety and depression (Platten, 2014).
                                                                      1. Stimulate client initiated goals through motivational interviewing lead by the patient to determine their motivation for change (Kidd et al., 2015)
                                                                      2. Nursing Care
                                                                        1. Assessment
                                                                          1. Subjective
                                                                            1. Health History
                                                                              1. Symptoms
                                                                              2. Objective
                                                                              3. Diagnosis
                                                                                1. Planning
                                                                                  1. Implementation
                                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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